The Otto Group has signed the new Pakistan Accord for more safety in the textile and apparel industry. This labor protection agreement aims to improve the safety of thousands of workers in Pakistan in close cooperation with Pakistani business partners and other stakeholders.
"We are pleased to be among the first signing companies and are thus clearly committing ourselves to our corporate responsibility. Improving working conditions in the textile industry is one of our core interests," says Dr Tobias Wollermann, Vice President Corporate Responsibility at the Otto Group.
The collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh in 2013 marked a turning point for the global textile and clothing industry. Based on this tragic incident, an agreement was reached and subsequently became known as the 'Bangladesh Accord', and in whose formulation the Otto Group was significantly involved. It has enormously improved labor and safety standards in the South Asian country. In 2021, it was successfully transferred to a new agreement that extends beyond Bangladesh, the ‘International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry’.
"As a signatory to the International Accord and as a co-initiator of the original Bangladesh Accord, the Otto Group welcomes the agreement reached for Pakistan. Why? Because the extension of the successes achieved by the Accord in Bangladesh for the safety of workers to other countries is a hopeful outlook," explains Dr Tobias Wollermann.
Together with other companies, the new agreement provides an opportunity to continue successfully the efforts made in recent years in improving occupational health and safety measures throughout Pakistan's garment and textile sector.
Sustainability and corporate responsibility are firmly anchored in the Otto Group's DNA and strategic alliances, such as the International Accord, have a long tradition. Joining forces increases the chance of achieving significant improvements in supply chains worldwide. The Otto Group has been a member of the Steering Committee of the International Accord since its inception.
Nicole Sieverding
+49 40 6461 3179
1949 in Deutschland gegründet, ist die Otto Group heute als weltweit agierende Handels- und Dienstleistungsgruppe mit rund 41.000 Mitarbeiter*innen in 30 wesentlichen Unternehmensgruppen vornehmlich in den drei Wirtschaftsräumen Deutschland, übriges Europa und USA präsent. Ihre Geschäftstätigkeit erstreckt sich auf die Segmente Plattformen, Markenkonzepte, Händler, Services und Finanzdienstleistungen. Im Geschäftsjahr 2022/23 (28. Februar) erwirtschaftete die Otto Group einen Umsatz von 16,2 Milliarden Euro. Sie gehört mit einem Onlineumsatz von rund 12 Milliarden Euro zu den weltweit größten Onlinehändlern. Die besondere Stärke der Unternehmensgruppe liegt darin, eine breite Präsenz verschiedener Angebote an diverse Zielgruppen in relevanten Regionen der Welt zu verwirklichen. Eine Vielzahl von strategischen Partnerschaften und Joint Ventures bieten der Otto Group ausgezeichnete Voraussetzungen für Know-how-Transfer und die Nutzung von Synergiepotenzialen. Ein hohes Maß an unternehmerischer Verantwortung und Kollaborationswillen der Konzerngesellschaften garantieren zugleich Flexibilität und Kundennähe sowie eine optimale Zielgruppenansprache in den jeweiligen Ländern.