Creditor relations

Creditor relations
Creditor relations

The Otto Group is a privately owned family business that pursues a conservative strategy focused on the long term in regard to financing. We have a trust-based relationship with a diversified group of German and international banks. Since 2009 we have used the capital market as another source of financing and have issued over EUR 2 billion in bonds since then.

The EMTN program and the commercial paper program give the Otto Group instruments to flexibly take advantage of opportunities on the capital market.

Overview of Otto Group bonds

Public bonds

ISINCurrencyAmountCouponMaturity date


XS1979274708EUR221.3 mln*2,625%10 April 2026

PDF - PDF (Tap)

XS1853998182EUR248.1 mln*4,000%17 April 2025**

PDF - KID***

XS1660709616EUR50 mlnVariable24 Aug 2026

PDF - KID***

* Nominal amount reduced from original issuance amount through bond repurchases
** The issuer called for redemption on 12 March 2025, in accordance with §6(2) of the terms. The repayment of the hybrid bond will be made at 100% of the nominal amount plus accrued interest effective on 17 April 2025.
*** Key Information Document pursuant to EU Regulation 1286/2014 (in German language)

Private placements

ISINCurrencyAmountCouponMaturity date
XS2063541358EUR15 mln3,180%10 Oct 2034
XS2111951690EUR40 mln3,000%30 Jan 2032
XS2028841489EUR30 mln3,400%17 Jul 2031

Commercial paper

As of 29 February 2024 the total nominal amount of outstanding commercial paper of Otto (GmbH & Co KG) is 79 million euros.

General information

  1. The Otto Group’s financial year runs from March 1 of each year to February 28 or 29 of the following year.
  2. The Otto Group's next Annual Press Conference and the publication of the Annual Report for the 2024/25 financial year are expected to take place in May 2025.
  3. The Otto Group does not have a public rating from a rating agency and is also not planning to obtain such a rating for the time being.
  4. Otto Group bonds can be bought and sold through banks.


If you have any questions about our bonds, please send an email to: crdtr-rltnsttgrpcm

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