Press contacts

This section lists the contact details for overarching Group issues and the individual Group companies. The details are intended exclusively for media representatives. Please use the phone number below for all other inquires.

Otto GmbH & Co. KGaA
Werner-Otto-Str. 1-7
22179 Hamburg / Germany
Phone: +49 40 6461 0

Otto Group Corporate Communications

Werner-Otto-Straße 1-7
22179 Hamburg 

Thomas Voigt
Thomas Voigt
Vice President Group Corporate Communications & Public Affairs
Phone: +49 40 6461 4010
E-Mail: thmsvgtttgrpcm
Martin Zander
Martin Zander
Division Manager Group Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 40 6461 2820
E-Mail: mrtnzndrttgrpcm
Annette Siragusano
Annette Siragusano
Division Manager Group Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 40 6461 3982
E-Mail: nnttsrgsnttgrpcm
Bernd Rakers
Bernd Rakers
Head of Public Affairs
Phone: +49 40 6461 6368
E-Mail: brndrkrsttgrpcm
Lena Hufmann
Lena Hufmann
Senior Corporate Communications Consultant Tech, Innovation and Logistik & Duty Editor
Phone: +49 40 6461 5922
E-Mail: lnhfmnnttgrpcm
Kristina Alexandra Drews
Kristina Alexandra Drews
Senior Corporate Communications Consultant Finance & HR
Phone: +49 40 6461 6338
E-Mail: krstndrwsttgrpcm
Kathrin-Luise Fiesel
Kathrin-Luise Fiesel
Senior Corporate Communications Consultant Finance, HR & Diversity
Phone: +49 40 6461 5305
E-Mail: kthrn-lsfslttgrpcm
Gabi Westerteiger
Gabi Westerteiger
Senior Corporate Communications Consultant Cultural Change & Lead Process Manager
Phone: +49 40 6461 5372
E-Mail: gbwstrtgrttgrpcm
Marina Lenz
Marina Lenz
Senior Corporate Communications Consultant Tech & Innovation
Phone: +49 40 6461 6389
E-Mail: mrnlnzttgrpcm
Nicole Sieverding
Nicole Sieverding
Senior Corporate Communications Consultant
Phone: +49 40 6461 3179
E-Mail: nclsvrdngttgrpcm
Isabella Grindel-Schlotterbeck
Isabella Grindel-Schlotterbeck
Senior Communications Consultant Public Affairs
Phone: +49 40 6461 5283
E-Mail: sbllgrndl-schlttrbckttgrpcm
Jennifer Buchholz
Jennifer Buchholz
Senior Communications Consultant
Phone: +49 40 6461 5282
E-Mail: jnnfrbchhlzttgrpcm


Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
Werner-Otto-Straße 1-7
22179 Hamburg 

Martin Frommhold
Phone: +49 40 6461 8630
Fax: +49 40 6464 8630
E-Mail: prssttd

About You Holding SE

Domstraße 10
20095 Hamburg 

Laila Helmy
Phone: +49 151 231 463 14
E-Mail: prssbtyd


Bahnhofstr. 10
96224 Burgkunstadt

Manfred Gawlas
Phone: +49 9572 913020
Fax: +49 9572 91113020
E-Mail: mnfrdgwlsbr-grppcm
Stefan Gagel
Phone: +49 9572 913024
E-Mail: stfngglbr-grppcm

Bonprix Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Haldesdorfer Str. 61
22179 Hamburg

Katharina Schlensker
Phone: +49 40-64622070
E-Mail: kthrnschlnskrbnprxnt


1250 Techny Road
Northbrook, Illinois 60062

Jill Assad
Phone: +1 847 239-6181
E-Mail: jssdcrtndbrrlcm


Steindamm 71
20099 Hamburg

Lara Flemming
Phone: +49 170 4556278
E-Mail: lflmmngs-sltnscm

Frankonia GmbH & Co KG

Schießhausstraße 10
97228 Rottendorf

E-Mail: prfrnknd


66-70 Vicar Lane
West Yorkshire
BD99 2XG

Sally Hutchinson
Phone: +44 1274 843 267
E-Mail: SllyHtchnsnfgh-kcm

Hanseatic Bank

Fuhlsbüttler Straße 437
22309 Hamburg

Charlotte von Hochberg
Phone: +49 40 646 03-303
E-Mail: prsshnstcbnkd


Friedrichstraße 206
10969 Berlin

Ines Szal
Phone: +49 30 4672 49770
E-Mail: nshdlncm


Windeckstr. 15
76135 Karlsruhe

Constanze Kucharsky
Phone: +49 721 9911271
Fax: +49 721 991911271
E-Mail: ckchrskyhnd

HERMES Einrichtungs Service GmbH & Co. KG

Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 33
32584 Löhne

Vera Dyck
Phone: +49 151 728 492 96
E-Mail: vrdyckhrms-2mhd


Essener Str. 89
22419 Hamburg

Friedemann König
Phone: +49 40 537 55 896
Fax: +49 40 537 55 757
E-Mail: frdmnnknghrmswrldcm


Werner-Otto-Straße 1-7
22179 Hamburg

Christina Ziegfeld
Ziegfeld Enterprise, Ansprechpartnerin
Phone: +49 40/ 38 68 74 77
Fax: +49 40 38 68 74 74
E-Mail: chrstnzgfldzgfld-ntrprsd


Werner-Otto-Straße 1-7
22179 Hamburg

Sarah Porrmann
Phone: +49 40 6461 7901
E-Mail: srhprrmnnlscnd

Limango GmbH

Georg-Muche-Straße 1
80807 München

Stephanie Vogt
Phone: +49 89 24885-1148
Fax: +49 89 24885-1259
E-Mail: stphnvgtlmngd

Manufactum GmbH

Hiberniastr. 5
45731 Waltrop

Christoph Köhling
Phone: +49 2309 939319
Fax: +49 2309 939835
E-Mail: chrstphkhlngmnfctmd

Otto Group Digital Solutions GmbH

Poststraße 12
20354 Hamburg 

Frauke Mispagel
Phone: +49 40 696 35 90 23
E-Mail: frkmspglgdsd

Otto Group one.O 

Werner-Otto-Straße 1-7
22179 Hamburg

Alexandra Fahl
Phone: +49 40 8819022-41
E-Mail: lxndrfhlttgrpcm

Otto International

19/F Peninsula Square, 18 Sung On Street
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Verena Favre
E-Mail: VrnFvrttntcm

Project A Services GmbH & Co KG

Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin

Simon Walter
Phone: +49 174 234 04 34
E-Mail: smnwltrprjct-cm

Quelle GmbH

Bahnhofstraße 10
96224 Burgkunstadt

Harald Gutschi
Phone: +43 316 5460-212
Fax: +43 316 5460-80212
E-Mail: hrldgtschntt

Risk.Ident GmbH

Am Sandtorkai 50
20457 Hamburg 

Phone: +49 40 60945 2590
E-Mail: cntctrskdntcm

Sheego AG

Hanauer Landstraße 523

60386 Frankfurt am Main

Yvonne Maier
E-Mail: yvnnmrshgd

Systain Consulting GmbH

Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg 

Hubertus Drinkuth
Phone: +49 40 609 4618 21
Fax: +49 40 609 4618 99
E-Mail: hbrtsdrnkthsystncm

UNITO Versand & Dienstleistungen GmbH

Peilsteinerstr. 5-7
A-5021 Salzburg

Martina Stix
Phone: +43 (0)316 5460-55417
E-Mail: mrtnstxntd

Josef Witt GmbH

Schillerstr. 4-12
92637 Weiden

Rainer Hagner
Phone: +49 961-400-1618
Fax: +49 961-400-1196
E-Mail: rnrhgnrwtt-grpp

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