The economy is there to benefit people – not the other way round. This mindset and the strong awareness it engenders for the Group’s corporate responsibility are among the hallmarks of the Otto Group. Prof Dr Michael Otto recognized at an early stage that the future would be built on sustainable practices, inspiring customers, employees, business partners and like-minded people from other companies with this vision. Climate protection and corporate social responsibility were incorporated within the business strategy as early as 1986, giving rise to numerous initiatives for people, nature and society.
Today, the Otto Group upholds a CR strategy that is firmly anchored in the corporate strategy, the Otto Group Path, and the shareholder vision “Responsible commerce that inspires”. Sustainability and corporate responsibility have been integral to our identity for more than 30 years and are closely linked to the Otto Group’s corporate success.
The Otto Group assumes responsibility for every part of its value chain — from the extraction of resources, to the processing of products and their delivery and ultimately the use of the product by consumers. Our goal is to make the manufacture of our products ecologically and socially compatible. We use the impACT management process to determine the impact of our actions on the environment and society, deriving operational measures and strategic goals from it. Our CR strategy takes equal account of the economic, environmental and social dimensions and embeds sustainability even more strongly in our business processes. Based on our materiality analysis, the following seven strategic fields of action and sub-strategies were developed: Climate, Sustainable Materials, Supply Chain, Circularity, Empowered Employees, Conscious Customers and Digital Responsibility.
Within these areas we have formulated visionary, long-term goals – the “transformational goals” –, which enable us to align our daily actions to the long-term objectives of the Otto Group. These goals are substantiated in each case by shorter-term targets with clearly defined time horizons - the "core priorities". They help to measure our progress on the way to long-term change. They are dynamic, regularly reviewed, adjusted, and gradually supplemented to respond to current developments. The CR strategy is a dynamic, learning concept and therefore has no fixed end date. The seven thematic areas and transformational goals of our CR strategy are:
Climate: We achieve net zero emissions throughout our whole value chain until 2045.
Reference SBTi: The official target formulation can be viewed on the SBTi website: Target dashboard - Science Based Targets
Sustainable Materials: We apply sustainable raw materials in all our products.
Supply Chain: We continuously improve the social and ecological performance together with the facilities in our supply chains.
Circularity: We incorporate circular principles and ensure circular solutions.
Empowered Employees: We empower our employees to experience and actively shape sustainability.
Conscious Customers: We enable and inspire our customers to make conscious and sustainable decisions.
Digital Responsibility: We shape value-oriented digitization for people and society.
Our global sustainability activities are managed and developed jointly by the Executive Board and the CR Board. The operational implementation of the CR strategy takes place at Group companies level.
Our CR strategy is based on the materiality analysis and was last updated in 2021. The seven topic areas of our CR strategy were derived from the sustainability topics that were identified as material. We conduct regular reviews to ascertain whether relevant changes have emerged and to ensure that our CR strategy sets the right priorities. Our materiality analysis is part of the impACT management process, which forms the foundation for the Otto Group’s strategic development. In this way, we identify all the environmental and social effects of our business activities on people and nature.